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Sharing Our Faith
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Sharing Our Faith

Posted on Mon, Oct 16, 2006

Being a Witness

“That the sharing of your faith may become effective by the acknowledgment of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.”
Philemon 1:6 NKJV
God has provided you with everything you need to share the Gospel. He's provided you with His ability. He's given you His authority. And He has anointed you to share your faith. This is where your personal testimony comes in. It is your own personal experience with the Lord which proves God's Word and makes you effective in witnessing to others.

If, for instance, you are sharing with a person and telling him or her that Jesus gives peace, then you ought to be able to guarantee it. God may have done that very thing for you. In that case, your own personal testimony would be a voucher or proof of what Jesus is capable of doing for anyone who will take God's Word for it. Your testimony of what God has done for you would back up what the Word says.

Sharing Jesus is a thrilling and exciting thing. And it isn't hard if you understand what you are to do. We are not called to judge or condemn others for their sins. We are just called, commissioned, and empowered to share with them the Good News of what God has already done for them in Christ Jesus.
To witness effectively you must have a proper attitude about what you are doing. The way to build a proper attitude is by relying on what the Word of God says about you. Don't look at the circumstances; don't lean to your own feelings. Look only at what God says.

  1. Ephesians 6:18-20
    What did Paul pray for in this verse? Why is boldness important in sharing our faith?


  2. Romans 10:14-15
    What role do you play in making sure those around you have the opportunity to hear the Gospel?


  3. 1 John 5:11
    Take some time to think about and write down your testimony, preparing yourself ahead of time to share what God has done for you personally.


  4. What did Paul pray for in this verse? Why is boldness important in sharing our faith? What role do you play in making sure those around you have the opportunity to hear the Gospel? Take some time to think about and write down your testimony, preparing yourself ahead of time to share what God has done for you personally.
If we follow natural reasoning, we are unsuccessful if we are anywhere in the process, except at the end: praying with people for salvation. But as far as God is concerned, we are totally successful when we share Him with a lost world.

  1. Plant the Seed...
    It is not always our job to reap results, at least not immediate and visible results. It is our job, however, to plant the Word. We are to sow the Word of God. Don't be overly concerned if some people don't respond instantly to your witness. Talk to people about the love of Christ, how salvation only comes through Him and how He’s changed your life. Tell others that God is not counting men's sins against them; they have been
  2. Water the Seed...
    Remember, you're not the only laborer out there. You plant the seed, and God will find somebody else who will water it (1 Cor. 3:6-7). We often consider it a success only when we lead someone to Christ. But God sees from an eternal perspective. He considers it a success when we respond to His leading and His heart.
  3. ...Reap the Harvest!
    By being diligent and determined we are doing our part to fulfill this great commission. God's Word will not return to Him void, and it's the Word that we need to share. If we don't say anything except "Jesus loves you," then the seed has been planted, and it will not return void!
  4. Your life should be a witness to every person you know. You must tell people the story that Jesus saves, Jesus lives, and Jesus will change their lives too, making a difference in them. By seeing Jesus in you, they will want Him too. And, as you bring them into the family of God, He will receive glory.

  1. ‘Sharing’ (Greek root):


  2. ‘Faith’ (Greek root):


  3. ‘Effective’ (Greek root):


Jesus won the world through acts of goodness and kindness. "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with him" (Acts 10:38). We can and should do the same.

Finding and utilizing opportunities to share our faith are the natural results of effective prayer and genuine care for those around us. When doors open, it is our responsibility to walk through those doors faithfully in God's timing.


Matthew 28:18-19
Romans 5:8; 10:14-15
2 Timothy 4:5
Acts 1:8; 16:31
John 3:17; 5:11-13

Further Scriptures
1 Corinthians 3:6-8
John 3:36
1 John 4:15
Ephesians 6:18-20

I confess that every time I share the Word of God with people who don’t know the Lord, a seed is planted in their hearts and minds that has the power to revolutionize their lives, their families, their friends, and even their entire cities. Every person I touch has the potential of taking the Gospel message further, thus creating a larger harvest for the Kingdom of God. Therefore, I am bold to speak to anyone whenever I see an open door of opportunity to tell the Good News of Jesus Christ!
If the Lord is speaking to you about sharing your faith, take the opportunity. It may never come again.
- Blaine Bartel

Set some goals regarding time in the Word and sharing your faith with others.
- Mac Hammond

Amid the bad news, sharing the Gospel is the only solution that will bring light back into the marketplace and the world.

You need to begin sharing your faith. It will transform your life.
- Nick Kinn

Every Christian in the last days has these three essential duties: to be passionate in pursuing God, to pray, and to share Jesus with the lost.
- Jennifer Berry

There is absolutely nothing that can compare to the thrill you get the first time you lead someone to the Lord.
- Jerry Savelle

Witnessing requires more than just words. God wants that person to see Him in us.
- Jesse Duplantis

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